Dissipative system — Another meaning of dissipative system is one that dissipates heat, see heat dissipation. A dissipative system is a thermodynamically open system which is operating out of, and often far from, thermodynamic equilibrium in an environment with which … Wikipedia
Dissipative Struktur — Beispiel dissipativer Strukturen: Granulation auf der Sonnenoberfläche. Bilddurchmesser ca. 35.000 km Mit dem Begriff Dissipative Struktur (engl. dissipative structure ‚zerstreuende Struktur‘) wird das Phänomen sich selbstorganisierender,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dissipative soliton — Dissipative solitons (DSs) are stable solitary localized structures that arise in nonlinear spatially extended dissipative systems due to mechanisms of self organization. They can be considered as an extension of the classical soliton concept in… … Wikipedia
STRUCTURE DISSIPATIVE — Le terme «structure dissipative» a été créé, en 1969, par Ilya Prigogine pour souligner la signification des résultats auxquels lui même et ses collaborateurs de l’école de Bruxelles venaient de parvenir: loin de l’équilibre thermodynamique,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Structure dissipative — Système dissipatif Un système dissipatif (ou structure dissipative) est un système qui opère dans un environnement avec qui il échange de l énergie, de la matière ou de l entropie. C est donc un système ouvert qui opère loin de l équilibre… … Wikipédia en Français
диссипативные структуры — Dissipative Structures Диссипативные структуры Пространственно временные образования, которые могут возникать в сильно неравновесных условиях. Они соответствуют той или иной форме надмолекулярного когерентного поведения огромного числа… … Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics — Thermodynamics … Wikipedia
Ilya Prigogine — Born 25 January 1917(1917 01 25) Moscow, Russia … Wikipedia
Chemical thermodynamics — is the study of the interrelation of heat and work with chemical reactions or with physical changes of state within the confines of the laws of thermodynamics. Chemical thermodynamics involves not only laboratory measurements of various… … Wikipedia
Prigogine , Ilya — (1917–) Belgian chemist Prigogine was born in Moscow and educated at the Free University of Belgium where he served as professor of chemistry from 1947 to 1987. He was appointed director of the Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics Center of… … Scientists